Friday, April 1, 2016

                                                                The letter W
                                                           By: Chris Martinez

The letter W is the ears on a cat,
the teeth on a vampire,
the zipper on your coat,
a fish's mouth,
the beautiful view of Mount Princeton,
the mouth of Pokemon,

The West side of the W is like a waterfall falling down.
The letter W is just like wrestling, when you get the W for the win.
The W can be spicy too, just like Wasabii.
The W is your favorite show too, the Walking Dead.
The letter W is a last name of an Denver Bronco player, Kayvon Webster.
The W is my favorite time of the year WINTER!
                                                             My Sonnet
                                                           By: Chris Martinez

I slept in my bed for most of break.
I went to the lake to swim with some fish.
After Easter dinner i had some cake.
I played basketball and had a swish.
I went to the city and it was nice.
I went to my Grandmas just to hang out.
When i came back there was a lot of ice.
My grandma caught a fish and made some trout
The sand was very hot it felt great.
I got a hat and it is pretty cool.
When i went fishing i had some big bait.
The lake was better than a warm pool.
I really miss the weather it was hot.
Did break really end? I wish it did not. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Short Story!!!!!!!

The Unknown Journey
Chris Martinez  

One  Saturday afternoon Josh and Mark wanted to take a drive up a road that no one drives on. Its is Saturday 5:45 the football team just got back from a meet. Everyone was going home to rest from a long day of playing football. But these two boys named Josh and Mark had the idea to take a drive in his new truck to the road called the unknown. Everyone knows there is a house at the end on the road that no one dares to go in it. But Josh and Mark had the idea to go on it.

They went home first to pack a bag to go on this trip. They packed a flashlight,cell phone,candle and batteries. At 8:00 pm Josh and Mark headed off for their journey.
On the way to the road Josh and Mark heard people yelling at them so they pulled the truck over. There was a old couple taking a walk and they said “ that's the wrong way turn around”.
But Josh and Mark kept going down the road. Finally Josh and Mark got to the abandoned house at the end of the road. Once they got out of the truck they heard weird noises in the dark woods around them just like someone was watching them. They started to walk on the porch of the house. The old wooden steps were cracking like it was going to break.

As they were going in Mark stopped and said to Josh “ I dare you to go in unless you're a chicken”. Josh was not scared of anything so of course Josh said “OK”.
Josh opened the front door of the house. The house was so old and broken down inside “no one is in here” Josh said. And once he said that the door slammed shut behind him! “There is no way out” said a loud ghost like voice.
Josh panicked and he could not see anything. Then he remembered they packed a flashlight in his bag. So he tried looking for it but it was pitch dark inside the house. Josh could not find his bag. Then he remembered  that he left his bag in the truck. Josh started to walk up the stairs to the top level of the house. The stairs were creaking as he walked up them. It freaked him out even more. Then out of nowhere something dragged him down the stairs! Josh was screaming for his life.

Josh asked himself, “where is Mark he needs to help me?”

Then once the thing dragging Josh heard his thoughts it let go of Josh. Josh was all banged up and he could not even talk anymore he was so scared. Josh started to walk around to find stuff to get out of this house. Josh found a knife, hammer and a candle. He needed to find his way out and fast. Josh tried using the hammer against the door but it did not work because the door was made of metal. Josh felt the ghost getting closer because it was getting warm around him. He needs to work fast. Then Josh went back upstairs to find more supplies to get out. Next he found a hidden door in a room. Josh opened the little door and there was a note, the note said “Get out of my house or I'll kill you!! Then Josh found a key to something. Josh ran down the stairs and tried the front door but it did not work. Then something slammed into Josh’s head. Josh was out cold. When Josh was asleep he had a dream,  his dream was in the same house that he is in right now and there was an old mining shaft under the house to get out. Once Josh woke up he tried finding it and there it was. But it was locked. Josh had that key he found and it worked. Josh climbed through the tunnel to get out. Once Josh was outside he looked for Mark and the truck and they were both gone. There was only one way to get back is to walk home. So Josh started to walk back home and he thought to himself, “I should have never fallen into peer pressure.”