Friday, April 1, 2016

                                                                The letter W
                                                           By: Chris Martinez

The letter W is the ears on a cat,
the teeth on a vampire,
the zipper on your coat,
a fish's mouth,
the beautiful view of Mount Princeton,
the mouth of Pokemon,

The West side of the W is like a waterfall falling down.
The letter W is just like wrestling, when you get the W for the win.
The W can be spicy too, just like Wasabii.
The W is your favorite show too, the Walking Dead.
The letter W is a last name of an Denver Bronco player, Kayvon Webster.
The W is my favorite time of the year WINTER!
                                                             My Sonnet
                                                           By: Chris Martinez

I slept in my bed for most of break.
I went to the lake to swim with some fish.
After Easter dinner i had some cake.
I played basketball and had a swish.
I went to the city and it was nice.
I went to my Grandmas just to hang out.
When i came back there was a lot of ice.
My grandma caught a fish and made some trout
The sand was very hot it felt great.
I got a hat and it is pretty cool.
When i went fishing i had some big bait.
The lake was better than a warm pool.
I really miss the weather it was hot.
Did break really end? I wish it did not.